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  1. There is alot of truth in your post, thanks for sharing. I believe these are the main factors of Fiverrs decline: Covid Hype is over. The incredible rise in stock-price was due to covid which drove alot of buyers in. Now reality kicked in. A sustainable business model for all participants is neccessary to keep a marketplace alive. The decline does not neccesarily mean that Fiverr is not sustainable, but this "gold rush" is over. AI service policy is very difficult to handle and manage for Fiverr Policies that hurt both sellers and buyers experience. (only got worse since I started on Fiverr 4 years ago) Lack of transparency The over saturation of the marketplace. The quality is very low, the bar to join even lower. Its just not very attractive for buyers, because get what. Most people and businesses are interested in QUALITY over QUANTITY. Many might be joining Fiverr to get good work for very low prices, but the reality is: Many sellers offer very low prices for very low quality. And nobody wants or needs that. Promotion Feature imo killed the experience in some regards. It just feels like pay to win. It doesnt really matter whethere you are the right person for the job, when 50% of the offers the buyers see are paid ads.
  2. It depends on what you are looking for in a browser. If data privacy is important to you, then heck no. Chrome is using alot of your private data, traffic analysis etc. Google has their trackers everywhere and their own browser is no exception. I use Firefox with the uBlock origin plugin and Duck Duck Privacy Essentials. It is the best compromise between privacy and usability for me. As private Search Engine, I use https://duckduckgo.com/ for 99% of my searches. The results have vastly improved and it can easily compete with googles result in most cases.
  3. Many different ones. There are social media platforms for this. I am a 3D artist so I am active on Artstation, Polycount Forums and various Discord Servers.
  4. Yes like I mentioned in the post. Be active in the communities Ask for feedback on your work in dedicated channels Participate in challenges
  5. How to grow a network and promote yourself A small rant about growing a network and promoting yourself. In my opinion, one of the best ways to get yourself out there as a freelancer is to be an active part of communities. When you are helpful and an active part of any community you will be recognized by others and build a network of like-minded people as well as potential clients. 🏆 For example: I have been active on many game dev and 3d art forums & servers over the years. I participated in challenges on Artstation or the Polycount-Forums and through that I have made connections and friends to industry professionals that work on popular games. I made contacts through that directly resulted in getting clients. (for tutoring or small projects etc.) 💸 So being active in communities is VERY helpful. Not only as a server owner like I am doing here, but by being an active member aswell. I want to encourage everyone here to follow my advice and participate. Whether that's asking questions or helping others. And this does not only mean that you need to be a professional that share amazing work or success stories. No. I have been asking for help, advice & feedback all the time. And this helps in so many ways! Hope you can takeaway something from this rant. ⭐
  6. Are advertising in social media counted towards the impression count on the gig performance, or only on-site impressions? I was wondering if posting the fiverr link on social media, discord etc. and someone seeing this link is counted towards impressions. From my understanding it shouldnt be, because its only on site. Is my assumption correct?
  7. I dont think you were that client. Being picky and knowing what you want and insist on your requirements is not being toxic. Not at all. I love clients with high requirements and expectations in quality. It helps me grow and improve while working and there is nothing wrong with that! But I 100% agree with you that communication is key. And also being able to communicate difficulties and challenges. Many times seller and buyer can come to an agreement that makes both parties happy. My post was about really toxic clients. I wouldnt even consider them clients, but a kind of scammer. They do pay, but they are very very exhausting and put alot of unreasonable pressure on the seller. And I experienced this first hand. It is a tactic of scamming and trying to get the most out of the project. But in an unreasonable way.
  8. Thanks Kata, I am glad you like the advice. I think you get it right. It is very important to keep an emotional distance, it is only professional and being too emotional will hurt your business in the long run. But, these toxic people will exactly do this: Make you emotionally involved. Idk if they do that on purpose, but what I have experience is exactly this schema. Best of luck to you. 🙂
  9. Should I cancel my order with a bad client? Never be afraid to cancel an order on Fiverr (or as a freelancer in general) ! Some "clients" are psychopaths and try to pressure the seller into giving them cheap labour. It is VERY important to know your rights as a seller. You should never slave away, but have the courage to cancel your order at anytime. One tactic of "toxic" clients is to intimidate the seller. For example by using phrases like "I could replace you with another seller"". (a very red flag) Another tactic these people use is trying to get you off the Fiverr platform. They will constantly message you, push you to do more work and will be hard in negotiating. They are not going to pay you a fair price. What they look for is free or very cheap work. Make sure to end on good terms: Be nice, no matter what Explain yourself Be professional Be honest (not too honest) Don't be intimidated Do NOT feel guilt Why should you feel guilty you may ask. If you have never been in this position, it might be difficult to understand. But these clients build a relationship with their sellers. The seller will feel responsible for their project. Remember this: IT'S NOT YOUR PROJECT It is 100% their responsibility to treat and pay their workers right, to have manageable deadlines and well thought out project structures. If their project and management sucks, then this will reflect on the project workers aswell. Stay safe everyone. If you have trouble with a client, you can always ask for advice in my dm's, ask in the forums or contact the Fiverr CS. Finn Image by Michael Dziedzic (from Unsplash)
  10. You can look through this collection of useful info. Try to use the search engine of the Forum next time.
  11. New sellers have to be careful, because there are "buyers" out there trying to trick new sellers into giving free services. When you are a new seller, make sure you understand how the systems on Fiverr work! https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010558038#:~:text=Buyers pay Fiverr in advance,%248 for a completed order.
  12. Alot of valuable points here. The communication and attention the buyer needs (some muuuch more than others) is one big part of freelancing that is often overlooked. Having to work on less gigs means being able to offer higher quality services. 😎 As they say, Quality over Quantity.
  13. Title is the most important aspect of SEO for the gig. It directly refers to the search results, much more than other written elements of the gig. Thanks for your tips!
  14. Hard to tell without seeing your gig. Check out this collection of information, it includes anything you need to know to improve your gig.
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