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About powerjinglesnl

  • Birthday 02/27/1981


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  1. I am so sorry for your loss Vickie. Know that your Fiverr fam is always here if you need any support and i am sure i speak for many others who feel the same way. Sending you and your fam much love and strength during these hard moments. ❤️
  2. Here's my top 3 SureSM7B Rode Broadcaster Neumann TLM 102 Be aware that non of these mics work properly without a good pre-amp. For some it will be the DBX or Behringer but i recommend a higher standaard preamp to get the most out of these mics. Edit: I would also recommend a cloud-lifter OR fat-head. Specially for the SureSM7B
  3. I am an old-school editor with Cool-Edit-Pro-2.0 and for effects and tweaking Audition in my go-to program. But editing in CEP2.0 has always been my favorite from any daw ever made, its super sleek.
  4. I started upgrading my music studio from it. And all the rest went to other cool things like a car, house interieur etc.
  5. Hi Guys. I just wanted to share a little bit of my success here on Fiverr.com for me, it is a huge milestone. Today I completed my: 500th order🤩🎉 I wanted to share a big thank you to everyone working @Fiverr and to the amazing community. Humble that I made a ton of new friends since the day I joined and I haven't felt sorry about it for even a small moment. Thank you for everything you have done for me giving me a platform that feels like home and where I can receive my customers without having to stress all the time about the administration and other stuff so that I can focus on doing what i am best at. ❤️
  6. No, These are just breaking the TOS rules including your self if you go with the client that is requesting it.
  7. That is called SPAM. Report if you get it and they will be removed in no-time.
  8. Then send out an additional payment within the order itself. Sometimes I have a client ordering a dry voiceover for $5 but then he's requesting me a fully produced commercial of 40 seconds. Then I replay with; I can do it, but it will require more work so there will be an additional cost for that. When I send the offer it is up to my client to say yes or no and if it is a no he will get what we agreed on, nothing more, nothing less.
  9. There are no such things as dumb questions. stay away from people requesting you to go to telegram, it's 10/10 times a scam. I don't give a damn about Upwork, This is Fiverr. ❤️🙏
  10. First of all, I would not cancel it so fast. What I would consider in this case is coming up with another option for your client. Talk with your client by saying, okay hey listen, we agreed on this and that for this price, you are asking now to do this and that but it is an addition to what we agreed on in this order so I will have to request a little extra to do so. If you want I can set up yet another payment so I can finish the additional work that you are requesting now, Would that be fine with you? Otherwise, we will have to do this in the next order. And with this "We will have to do this in the next order" You are saying, okay I can do it for you but it requires additional cost, and if you don't want to do this now you can always request another order later. And with that, you are giving your client two different options. He can decide to move on with it He can say, nah that is for next time then. The problem was solved, and you did not have to cancel anything. It is all in the way how you bring things to your customer, don't react aggressively, just come up with solutions that will fit both of you. Succes!
  11. I think it would be a nice addition to create a sort of withdrawal lock option or Saving program. For tho's who liked to save their withdrawals but find it hard to save, a lock withdrawal would be a great addition. For example: Lock until you reach $500, $1.000, $2500, and $5.000. And that if you lock from 1.000 and above that you get fewer fees for the amount because Fiverr already takes more interest on the amount that remains in their bank account until you reach the full amount of the lock you have set on your account. Wondering if you guys would share this idea, whether it can or not just to see if people support the idea.
  12. I have tons of clients that don't exist in the Fiverr company's listing. I believe it is for the "Top Brands only" like the really big ones. Although some of these big ones are also not on the list, Perhaps that list exists for the biggest part of American founding companies. I mean, how would they ever be able to do a global listing of companies, there are just too many of them. Perhaps you could go to support and make a suggestion if you find that something is missing. I have no idea how that works, to be honest.
  13. Nothing is required to receive an order. People find you and like to work with you, or they don't... It is that simple! I want to have two options for myself. When I am at home, my PC is always on and Fiverr is always on. (Reason for that? Quick response time, Happy buyers) When I am at work, I'll use my mobile. (Reason for that? Quick response time, Happy buyers) And the rest is just working on orders, having a little chat on the forum, helping others ( if you like that... I do ) watching a movie, going outside to a park or what ever it is to fill up your day.
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